Looking Back At My Hand-drawn Maps + Tips For Drawing Your Own Maps

I had to draw a map every day for 30 weeks! I wanted to look back at all of my maps with you all and give you a couple pointers on drawing maps.

  • Don’t think about it too much. Sure drawing maps is hard, but if you don’t really think about what you’re doing it makes it easier.
  • Even if you don’t have to draw maps if you need some help memorizing maps and where countries are I highly suggest drawing maps. It gets you more familiar with maps.
  • It helped me to not look at what I was drawing as much but at my reference map. For some reason, I can draw the curve better when I’m not watching my pencil.
  • If you ever have to draw a map from memory try practicing drawing as much as you remember because it makes you feel more prepared.

This was probably my favorite class to take! I just didn’t like labeling counties, capitals, and features! Have you ever drawn any maps? Let me know in the comments.

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